Privacystatement KL-SYSTEMS 

1st of July 2024

Your privacy is of great importance to KL-SYSTEMS . We therefore comply with the privacy law. This means your data is safe with us and that we always use it in the right way. In this privacy statement we explain what we at KOLEDO do with information that we have about you. If you have any questions, or want to know exactly what we keep track of, please contact

Contact Form

With the contact form you can ask us questions or make requests. For this we use your name and address, telephone number and e-mail address. We need this to contact you. We keep this information if, according to the nature of the form or the content of your email, it is necessary for full response and settlement and six months thereafter.

Become your Customer

When you become a customer, we use your personal data to be of good service to you. For this we use your name and address, phone number, e-mail address, billing address, payment details, gender. We keep this information up to two years after your order has been completed and seven years thereafter (that is the statutory retention obligation).


When you become a customer you automatically receive our newsletter. Here you can read news, tips and information about our products and services. Your e-mail address will be added to the list of subscribers if you agree with our terms and conditions. You can cancel this subscription at any time.

Every newsletter contains an unsubscribe link. This data is saved until you cancel the subscription. We have signed a processor agreement with Mailchimp. There are strict agreements about what they are allowed to keep up. We have not allowed Mailchimp to use the obtained information for other Mailchimp services and activities.


We would like to send you advertising about offers and new products or services. We do this mainly by e-mail, via social media and sometimes by mail or by telephone. You can object to this promotion at any time. Every letter tells you how to do this. Every email contains an unsubscribe link. You can block us or use the unsubscribe option. You can also indicate this as you are being called.


Our website uses cookies. Cookies are small files that can store information on your computer, phone or tablet. With functional cookies we ensure that the website works well and functionally. With tracking cookies, the surfing behavior can also be measured and recorded. Our website uses both functional and tracking cookies. When you visit our website for the first time, we present a cookie report with an explanation of the cookies. We will ask you to agree to the use of these cookies. We show in our cookie statement which cookies we use for what purpose. It is possible to pass a separate permission per cookie category, for this, use the relevant check box. We have made agreements about the use of cookies with other companies that place cookies. However, we do not have complete control over what they themselves do with the cookies. Read their privacy statement. Do you no longer wish to receive these cookies on our website? Then change your cookie preference with our cookie statement.

Statistics and profiling

We maintain statistics on the use of our service, where we can also view individual data. With thesis statistics, we improve our service to, for example, only provide relevant information to you. We can combine your personal data with you to learn more about you. Of course we will respect your privacy at all times. If you do not want this, you can always report this to us. For this we use your name, location, gender, phone number, email address and visitor behavior on the website. We do this on the basis of your consent. We keep this information for one year.

Provision to other companies or institutions

We sometimes hire third parties for the execution of our services. We only pass on your data to other parties if that is really necessary for our services. It concerns delivery partners, credit insurers, design agencies and IT service providers. The parties that support us in our services and have access to your data, may only use these to provide you with a service on behalf of KL-SYSTEMS .

KL-SYSTEMS also uses third party services such as Google Analytics, Google Double Click, Mailchimp, YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter and Facebook for analyzing your data website use and for personalizing the website and communication, and showing relevant information offers and advertisements. These parties may, after your approval, receive personal information from you by collecting it with cookies on our website. You can read more about this in our website cookie statement and the privacy policy of these parties. This is only possible after you have given permission for this. You can always withdraw this consent later on the page of our cookie statement. We never sell your details to third parties. Some partners are located outside the European Union. We have strict agreements with them and they must comply with the European privacy law. We always ask your permission first before they receive your data.


Security of personal data is of great importance to us. To protect your privacy, we take the following measures:
Access to personal data is protected with a username and password. We make use of secure connections (Secure Sockets Layer or SSL) that make sure all information between you and our website is protected when you enter personal data.

Changes to this privacy statement

If our service or management changes, we must of course also adjust the privacy statement. Pay attention to the date above and check regularly if there are new versions. We will do our best to also announce changes separately.

Access, changing and deleting your data

If you have questions or want to know what personal information we have about you, you can always contact us. See the contact details below.
You have the following rights:

  • to receive an explanation of what personal data we have and what we do with it
  • insight into the exact personal data we have
  • to have errors corrected
  • to the removal of outdated personal data
  • to withdraw permission
  • to object to a particular use

Note that you always clearly indicate who you are, so that we know for sure that we do not change or delete data of the wrong person.

Filing a complaint

If you feel that we are not helping you in the right way, you have the right to file a complaint with the authorities. This is called the Dutch Data Protection Authority (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens).

Contact information KL-SYSTEMS
Lichttoren 32
5611 BJ Eindhoven

+31 880071200


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